Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shortest blog post ever posted on web

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  1. first comment for this blog, first visible content in this blog.. lolzzzzzzzz

  2. Guys reading this and above, don't mistake this as the content of the blog.. content above and really good.. if not visible, use your zoom tool in your machine (path is start -> program ->accessories ->maginfier) and have a look at it.. amazing content. no one would have ever thought of posting like this.. really don't miss to see the original content of the blog..

  3. intelligent work Swami...keep it up!

  4. Nice one Swami... Really nice way to promote your blog. Engayoo poiteenga Swami... :-)

  5. Muthu>> Thanks and congrats for becoming the first person to comment on this historic post :)
    Keep commenting and be a part of history :)

    Anand>> Thanks. I want to push a post on Saturday but really ran out of ideas..Then this crazy thought came to my mind and rest is history :)

    Deepa & Sundar>> Thanks a bunch..You people atlast commented to my blog. Although I have written some decent midsized content earlier, you both preferred to start commenting in this article. I can see what you both trying to convey..LOL...jus kidding..I do expect a lot of feedback/comment from you

